Best Free Laravel Hosting Providers

7 Best Free Laravel Hosting Providwers in 2024 [30 Days Free Trial]

Laravel has become a preferred choice for developers due to its elegant syntax, robust features, and ease of use. As the demand for Laravel grows, so does the need for reliable hosting solutions. However, not every project has the budget for premium hosting services. This is where free Laravel hosting comes into play. This article will explore what free Laravel hosting is, highlight the best providers, discuss the benefits, and guide you through the process of getting started.

What is Free Laravel Hosting?

Free Laravel hosting refers to hosting services that allow developers to deploy and run Laravel applications without any cost. These services provide the necessary infrastructure, such as servers, storage, and bandwidth, to host a Laravel website. While free hosting might come with limitations like reduced storage or bandwidth, it’s a great way to get started, especially for small projects, startups, or learning purposes.

7 Best Free Laravel Hosting Providers

#1. Kamatera

Kamatera Free Laravel Hosting

Kamatera offers a wide range of cloud services, including free hosting options for Laravel developers. Known for its scalability and performance, Kamatera is a solid choice for those looking to test or deploy small to medium Laravel applications.


  • Scalable cloud infrastructure
  • High performance with SSD storage
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Free trial with full access to features

Plans: Kamatera offers a 30-day free trial with $100 in credits, allowing users to explore their services without any financial commitment.

#2. GoogieHost

GoogieHost Free Laravel Hosting

GoogieHost is a well-known provider of free web hosting services, including support for Laravel applications. It offers a decent amount of resources for free, making it an attractive option for beginners and small projects.


  • Free SSL certificate
  • SSD storage for better performance
  • cPanel access
  • No ads

Plans: GoogieHost offers a completely free plan with limited resources, which can be upgraded to premium plans if needed.

#3. DigitalOcean

DigitalOcean Free Laravel Hosting

DigitalOcean is a popular cloud infrastructure provider that offers robust and scalable hosting solutions. While they don’t offer a completely free plan, their cost-effective pricing and $100 credit for new users make it a viable option for Laravel hosting.


  • Droplets (virtual machines) with SSD storage
  • Managed databases
  • Kubernetes support
  • 24/7 customer support

Plans: DigitalOcean offers a 60-day free trial with $100 credit for new users, allowing them to explore and deploy Laravel applications affordably.

#4. Cloudways

Cloudways Free Laravel Hosting

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that supports multiple cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and DigitalOcean. They offer a free trial, making it easier for developers to test their Laravel applications in a managed environment.


  • Managed hosting environment
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Automated backups
  • 24/7 customer support

Plans: Cloudways provides a 3-day free trial with no credit card required, giving developers a taste of their managed hosting services.

#5. Vultr

Vultr Web Hosting

Vultr is another cloud hosting provider that offers high-performance SSD cloud servers. While they don’t provide a completely free plan, their competitive pricing and occasional free credits make them a good option for Laravel hosting.


  • High-performance SSD servers
  • Global data centers
  • Custom ISO support
  • 24/7 technical support

Plans: Vultr offers promotional credits for new users, allowing them to test their services without upfront costs.

#6. YouStable

YouStable Laravel Hosting

YouStable is an emerging web hosting provider that offers affordable and reliable hosting solutions. They provide free hosting options with decent resources for small Laravel applications.


  • Free SSL certificate
  • SSD storage
  • 24/7 customer support
  • cPanel access

Plans: YouStable offers a free plan with limited resources, which can be upgraded as your project grows.

#7. HostArmada

hostarmada hosting

HostArmada is known for its fast and secure web hosting services. They offer free trial periods and promotional credits, making it easier for developers to host their Laravel applications without a significant financial commitment.


  • SSD storage for better performance
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Daily backups
  • 24/7 customer support

Plans: HostArmada offers a free trial period and promotional credits for new users, allowing them to test their hosting services.

Benefits of Free Laravel Hosting

  1. Cost-Effective: Free Laravel hosting allows developers to deploy their applications without any initial investment, making it ideal for startups, small businesses, and personal projects.

  2. Learning and Experimentation: Free hosting is perfect for developers who are learning Laravel or want to experiment with new features and technologies without financial risk.

  3. Testing and Development: Developers can use free hosting to create development and staging environments, ensuring their applications work perfectly before going live.

  4. Community and Support: Many free hosting providers offer community support and resources, helping developers troubleshoot issues and learn from others.

  5. Scalability: Some free hosting providers offer scalable solutions, allowing developers to start small and upgrade as their projects grow.

Why Choose Free Laravel Hosting?

  1. Zero Cost: Free Laravel hosting eliminates the financial barrier, allowing anyone to start their web development journey without worrying about hosting costs.

  2. Ease of Use: Most free hosting providers offer user-friendly interfaces and one-click installation for Laravel, simplifying the deployment process.

  3. Accessibility: Free hosting makes it accessible for students, hobbyists, and small business owners to build and deploy Laravel applications without significant investment.

  4. Try Before You Buy: Free hosting allows developers to test the provider’s services and performance before committing to a paid plan.

  5. No Long-Term Commitments: With free hosting, there are no long-term contracts or commitments, providing flexibility to switch providers if needed.

Simple Steps to Get Free Hosting for Laravel Website

  1. Choose a Hosting Provider: Select one of the free hosting providers mentioned above based on your requirements and preferences.

  2. Sign Up for an Account: Create an account on the hosting provider’s website. You may need to provide some basic information and verify your email address.

  3. Set Up Your Server: Follow the provider’s instructions to set up your server or hosting environment. This usually involves selecting a server location, configuring resources, and installing necessary software.

  4. Install Laravel: Many hosting providers offer one-click installation for Laravel. If not, you can manually install Laravel by uploading the files and running the necessary commands.

  5. Deploy Your Application: Upload your Laravel application files to the server and configure the environment settings. Ensure your database and other dependencies are correctly set up.

  6. Test Your Application: Test your Laravel application to make sure it’s working correctly. Check for any errors or issues and resolve them.

  7. Go Live: Once everything is set up and tested, your Laravel application is ready to go live. Share your website URL and start attracting visitors.


Q1. Is Laravel good for high traffic?

Yes, Laravel is well-suited for handling high traffic due to its robust architecture and scalability. By leveraging features like caching, load balancing, and database optimization, Laravel can efficiently manage high-traffic applications.

Q2. Which hosting is good for Laravel?

Several hosting providers are well-suited for Laravel, including Kamatera, DigitalOcean, Cloudways, and Vultr. These providers offer scalable and high-performance environments that can handle the demands of Laravel applications.

Q3. Is there any free hosting for Laravel?

Yes, there are several providers offering free hosting options for Laravel, including GoogieHost, YouStable, and HostArmada. These providers offer basic resources for free, which can be sufficient for small projects or learning purposes.

Q4. How much does Laravel cost?

Laravel itself is an open-source framework and is free to use. However, costs can arise from hosting, domain registration, and additional services or tools required for your project.


Best Free Laravel hosting provides an excellent opportunity for developers to deploy their applications without financial constraints. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn Laravel, a startup testing your MVP, or a developer experimenting with new features, free hosting can be a valuable resource. 

By choosing one of the recommended providers, you can ensure a smooth and efficient hosting experience for your Laravel projects. Start exploring the world of Laravel without worrying about hosting costs, and take your web development journey to new heights.

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